Tuesday 10 July 2012

Ferruginous Hawk Pictures

 Ferruginous Hawk Picture
  Ferruginous Hawk Picture
  Ferruginous Hawk Picture
  Ferruginous Hawk Picture
 Ferruginous Hawk Picture


  1. The file "Ferruginous+Hawk_2.jpg" is actually a Red-tailed Hawk. The bird is a hatch year (light eyes) with light coloration, which is why it could be confused with Ferruginous. One giveaway is that the gape of the beak does not extend back far enough - in Ferruignous hawks, the edge of the gape is almost lined up with the caudal edge of the eye.

  2. The photo of the bird perched on a wood post is a juvenile Swanson's Hawk, not Ferruginous.
